CAB Member Leseliey Welch Featured on “America Dissected” Podcast

Leseliey Welch, one of our CAB members, was recently featured on Dr. Abdul El-Sayed’s podcast, “America Dissected.” She joined Dr. El-Sayed to talk about racial disparities in Black infant mortality rates. She also spoke about Birth Detroit, the community-based maternal and infant care organization she co-founded. The episode showcased Ms. Welch’s expertise on public health and social justice. We are lucky to have her on our ELLAS team!

You can listen to the podcast episode, “Cradle and All,” here.

(photo courtesy of Dr. Abdul El-Sayed)

Patienter i den anden gruppe (41 patienter) med udtalte forstyrrelser af både generel vegetativ og perifer vegetativ tone med vaskulære lidelser i bækkenet modtog behandling med henblik på korrektion besøg dette af vegetativ innervation ved hjælp af medicin og fysioterapeutiske metoder.