Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of ELLAS?

    The purpose of ELLAS is to answer questions about reproductive health conditions that affect the Latina/Latinx community. The information from this study will help us to promote the health of the Latina/Latinx community.

  • Who is participating in ELLAS?

    People between the ages of 21 and 50 who identify as Latina/Latinx and/or Hispanic and were assigned female sex at birth may be eligible to participate. There will be about 600 participants in this research study.

  • What does Latinx mean?

    Latinx is a gender-neutral word used to describe people of Latin American or Hispanic descent.

  • Will my information be kept confidential?

    We will use a study ID number, not your name, to label all of your samples and any information collected from you. Every effort will be made to protect your privacy to the fullest extent possible under the law.

  • I am not Latina – why is this study only for Latinas/Latinx people?

    There are many researchers working to understand reproductive health issues in different populations. For this study, we are focusing specifically on the Latin American and Hispanic population.

    If you are interested in participating in a different research study, we can collect your contact information and you may be contacted in the future about participating in other research studies at the University of Michigan.

  • Who is conducting ELLAS?

    ELLAS is being conducted by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan.

  • How much compensation will participants receive?

    Participants will receive $100 for completing the first study visit and $125 for completing the second study visit. During each study visit, if a participant completes some but not all study-related activities, they will receive an initial partial payment of $25. Participants must complete all study-related activities in order to receive the full amount for each study visit.

  • How will I benefit from participating in ELLAS?

    You will receive personal health information, including:

    • Screening for diabetes, anemia, thyroid conditions, and cholesterol
    • Height, weight, BMI, and blood pressure results
    • Urine pregnancy test results
    • Transvaginal and/or abdominal ultrasound results

    You can use the health information you obtain and take that to your personal doctor to discuss results. We hope that what we learn from this study will help improve health care in the future.